Current Trends in Healthcare M&A
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
7:30 – 10 a.m.
The Ritz-Carlton
100 Carondelet Plaza
St. Louis, Missouri
McGuireWoods LLP, Clayton Capital Partners, KPMG, Lockton and the St. Louis RCGA invite you to join us for an interactive conference with representatives from regional healthcare companies and private equity funds. Following a networking breakfast, Dr. John Short, former CEO of RehabCare Group and director of Kindred Healthcare, will address current merger and acquisition trends in the healthcare sector. Dr. Short and other healthcare CEOs and private equity investors will then participate in a panel discussion examining best practices in both buying and selling healthcare and healthcare related businesses.
Who Should Attend
CEOs, CFOs and VPs of Business Development at middle market healthcare and life sciences companies, as well as private equity funds that invest in these sectors.
A full agenda will follow in the coming weeks. Online registration is available here.