With deal flow picking up as the country reopens, we wanted to remind you about the Leading Private Equity Investors in Healthcare website.
Launched in fall 2019 by the McGuireWoods Healthcare Private Equity Team, the website initially featured more than 125 firms. That figure has since surpassed 150. The team had previously published a multi-part series highlighting some of the more active PE investors in the healthcare space. Following that original publication, we witnessed many more PE investors turning toward healthcare investments, forming new healthcare-focused funds, and continuing healthcare PE deal activity at a staggering pace. This prompted the development of the Leading Private Equity Investors in Healthcare resource, which allows us to organize these firms in a more accessible format.
Existing profiled investors are invited to send us updates to their descriptions, and we welcome suggestions for investors to add to the list. Please submit information using the “Update My Information” and “Submit New Recommendation” buttons below the introductory text on the website.
We hope you find this website to be a valuable tool. It is just one of the many ways our team supports the healthcare PE community. If you would like to learn more about how McGuireWoods can help you ensure business continuity, please contact me at awalsh@mcguirewoods.com.